LabInformatics is a group of passionate and highly accomplished Science, Compliance and Technology experts providing a full spectrum of consulting, implementation, support and product development solutions in LabInformatics space helping creating Smart Labs.
Our tried and tested PPP- People, Process and Products approach helps scientific labs to achieve the Highest TAT, Efficiency, Go to market, Cost saving and become fully compliant, digitize QA &QC operation. Allow organizations to focus on their core business rather than becoming a big software house.
Lab-Informatics is part of the global Life Science and Medical devices Compliance consulting company having multiple offices in US, Europe and Asia. Compliance group and other Partners network helping us to deliver LabInformatics solutions to our global and regional customers with least TAT, Quality and Affordable through the mix of local and global delivery models.
We help organizations from their product ideation, R&D, Small scale production and Large scale manufacturing QC labs automation across the Pharma, Biotech, Clinical, FMCG, Manufacturing, CRO, Contract Testing Labs, Environmental, Forensic science and other scientific laboratories where ever there is a quality testing automation and compliance needed.